We’ve reached beta status! Our beta testers have been using Pixy for a week and sending their feedback. And so far so good… The beta helps ensure that when we ship to you, it all goes smoothly. Pretty much all new pieces of technology get a beta period and then a ramp-up of sales. We’re out of the gate with an accelerated beta followed by shipping to thousands of customers. Yikes! But we’ll be fine… we have confidence in our little guy.
OK, what else— manufacturing is going nuts, in a good way. We have boxes and boxes of Pixys ready for final programming, testing and packaging.

Documentation is being written and it’s up on our wiki if you want to check out what we have so far. The docs are on the sparse side, but we’ll be adding to the wiki quite a bit over the next couple weeks, so by the time your Pixy arrives, there will be a much richer set of docs. And we’ll continue to add to the docs for the foreseeable future.
We’re just getting started, and there are lots of features, improvements and sensing tasks planned for Pixy (in addition to color-based object detection and tracking.) These new capabilities will be available to you, of course. Since you are our first customers, we’ll be asking you to weigh in on what we do next. But we’ll ask after you’ve had some time to play with your Pixy, which brings us to The Schedule.
We expect to get our first box out to Amazon either next Friday (March 7) or the following Monday. (We’re having Amazon do the procurement — they’re more efficient and quicker than we are, so they got the job!) We’re on schedule, mostly, maybe behind a day or two, but with the coding behind us (for this release) the remaining tasks are all fairly predictable. Put Pixy in box. Close box. Apply tape. Apply barcode. etc. In other words, you will be getting your Pixy soon. There’s light at the end of the tunnel!
Friends, thanks for hanging tough with us through all this. Your patience has been awesome and inspiring. Really.
Next update — we’ll be shipping, and we’ll have some good hard numbers on when you’ll receive your Pixy!
Pixys and pan/tilts are available for pre-order here.