I wanted to share some exciting news. We sent out a survey a while back, and we received an incredibly enthusiastic response for adding LEGO Mindstorms support for Pixy. So, we’ve been working hard since then, and we’re happy to announce that it’s ready!
We have a new version of Pixy that works with LEGO Mindstorms EV3 and NXT!
It’s available now at Robotshop and Amazon.com.
Thanks so much for your support! Check out the video and product details below.
Robot vision made easy
Pixy is a fast vision sensor for DIY robotics and similar applications. You can teach Pixy an object just by pressing a button. Use Pixy for lots of different applications. It’s capable of tracking hundreds of objects simultaneously and only provides the data you are interested in.

Connect directly to LEGO Mindstorms EV3 and NXT
Pixy LEGO uses custom firmware that speaks the LEGO sensor protocol. A special cable is provided that plugs directly into your LEGO brick. You’ll be up and running fast!

Seamlessly integrates into the LEGO Mindstorms EV3 Environment
Pixy becomes part of the LEGO visual programming environment. We provide software blocks for Pixy that make writing LEGO programs as easy as drag and drop!
Want to dig deeper? Pixy is entirely open-source (hardware, firmware and software). We offer a helpful wiki, and you can always ask a question on our forums.
Pixy CMUcam5 is a collaboration between Charmed Labs and Carnegie Mellon University.
LEGO Mindstorms EV3 and NXT are trademarks of the LEGO Group. Neither Charmed Labs nor Carnegie Mellon University is associated with the LEGO Group.