Hey everybody!
It’s been awhile since you (our lovely backers) have given us your shipping address, so please check to make sure that we have the correct address, because we’ll need them soon! If you’ve moved, just send us a message (through Kickstarter) and we’ll be sure to change. If you’ve already sent us your address change, then all’s good!
We sent our first Pixy shipments to Amazon yesterday! And we sent even more today, so about 700 Pixys are en route to Amazon shipping centers. And more will be sent tomorrow… The pan/tilt mechanism is on a “hazardous materials” hold by Amazon. (huh?) We don’t understand it either… but something in the description of the pan/tilt mechanism caused Amazon’s system to flag it. This might take a day or two to clear up. The good news is that things are shipping. And our calculated “rate” is 1500 Pixy/pan-tilts per week to Amazon. This means that all Kickstarter rewards will be at Amazon within three weeks from now.

OK, I must confess here — I’ve never done fulfillment through Amazon before, so there’s some guesswork here. From what I gather, there are some delays in filling the pipeline, but once it’s filled, things go quickly. Here’s how it breaks down— the packages that were shipped on Monday will get to Amazon Thursday and Friday of this week. They are scanned and are “made available for sale within three business days of being received”. I assume that three days applies to fulfillment too. That puts things at Monday or Tuesday of next week for Pixys to start shipping to you. So hundreds of early backers will likely get their Pixys next week. There is some guessing/assuming going on here. Pan/tilts will probably be delayed a couple additional days because of the “hazmat” issue.
So the upshot is that you’ll be getting your Pixy soon. We need to gather some more info and we’ll have more concrete information, by the end of next week, as the first Pixys land in backers’ hands. A schedule based on backer number will be provided.
As always, thanks for your patience!