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It’s been a long time coming, but Pixy has finally grown up!  Pixy is no longer in Kickstarter/pre-order limbo.  Pixys and Pan/tilt Mechanisms are in stock and being sold right now, and more are being made as I type this, because, you know, we’re gettin’ low!  From now on, if you want to get yourself a Pixy, you can order through either Amazon or Shopify:

  • If you want delivery within the US, you can order Pixy through Shopify or Amazon.
  • If you want delivery outside the US, you must order Pixy through Shopify.

We are also working with interested distributors to bring Pixy to your corner of the world, particularly in Europe and Asia.  If you have a favorite source for your Arduino-y, robot-y, maker-y like things, send us a note!  (Hey Aussies,  where do you like to order your Arduinos?  Type it into that little “Contact Us” box to the right.)  In the meantime you can order through our Shopify page and all the right things will happen.

Thanks so much for helping our little guy take flight!

Pixy is a real product (for real)!

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